Childless married couples
Married couples with children
Single people
The Œuvre de l’Adoption in Marseille began Vietnamese adoptions in 1975. To date, 477 children have arrived.
The Œuvre de l’Adoption in Cognac began adoptions in Vietnam in 1984. We have now welcomed 404 children.
Children are mostly aged between 1 and 4, with a few exceptions for children between the ages of 6 and 7. Since 2010, all children are on a SN (special needs) list.
Vietnam ratified the Hague Convention in 2011.
Conditions for adopting in this country
Who can adopt?
Married couples or single people may apply to adopt.
Adoptive parents must be at least 20 years older than their adoptees.
What children are available for international adoption?
Adopted children must be under 15 years old. Children who are over 15 and under 16 may be adopted if they are disabled or do not have any civil capacities.
Only children who have been placed in a legally established orphanage in Vietnam may be adopted.
Beginning of the procedure
To apply, send a covering letter with a copy of the approval, the accreditation notice, reports (social investigation and psychological report), a photograph, and a stamped envelope for our reply.
Reviewing your application
Applications are reviewed by several people. Applicants will receive a letter if their application is not approved. Otherwise, following a phone interview, applicants are approved for a given country and are sent a “preliminary questionnaire,” to be filled out before a potential invitation to an interview.
Each team operates according to its own rules. Depending on a country of origin’s requirements, several interviews may be needed. These involve questioning applicants about their project to become adoptive parents.
The AAA and applicants have ten days to make a decision. If it is positive, the committee sends a PMER (Plan de Mise en Relation, contact plan, or agreement) to launch the adoption process.
Children will lose their Vietnamese nationality when they reach the age of majority.